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3824   3 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
3824   3 years ago
aka The Collegiate. Sofia Dionisio, younger sister of the more famous Sylvia, plays Daniela who is coming home after her strict education at a convent boarding school. She is picked up from the convent by her new stepmother Marta (young actress Marta Katherin). At her home, Daniela is bewildered to find her family's strange behaviour and shenanigans seem at odds with what she had been taught at the boarding school. Her fat father Carlo is fooling around with some hippies who are their neighbours. Her aunt Emy (Femi Benussi) seduces the men nearby their house. Her stepmother Marta is having a sexual affair with their gardener while her cousin brother likes to peep at her and her stepmother while they are bathing. Daniela finds comfort in her handsome neighbour Marco (Nino Castelnuovo) and falls for him.