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IL Corpo (Versione XXX) Zeudi Araya

3951   3 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
3951   3 years ago
aka The Body. The drama of "Il Corpo" takes place on a beautiful Caribbean island of Trinidad. A boat captain Antoine (Enrico Maria Salerno) offers Alain (Leonard Mann) a job plus a place to stay after Alain rescues him from 2 thugs at the marina. Antoine has a beautiful black mistress named Princesse (Zeudi Araya). Alain quickly falls in love with Princesse after having sex with her on the beach. Princesse wants him to love her, but to prove his ever-lasting love Alain must kill Antoine. Very sensual erotic Eritrean beauty Zeudi Araya will please your eyes. The climatic airport chase is tragic and kind of unexpected.