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Sesso Acerbo 1981 (con Laura Levi)

5549   4 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
5549   4 years ago
aka Bitter Sex. Sasha Kramer (Roland Carey) and Helen Kramer (Pauline Teutscher) are a middle-aged couple who cannot have children but they still enjoy having sex with each other. When Sasha goes off to work Helen feels bored and lonely in their empty nest (house). Sasha suggests to Helen that she should take up a job to fill her lonely hours. In fact Sasha arranges for Helen to become a nanny (maid) to Madam Caracas' (Laura Levi) teenage son named Alain (Giancarlo Zarillo). It being the summer school break Alain is all alone in his house when his mother Madam Caracas leaves for work. As Alain's nanny Helen prepares his meals does his laundry and even tutors him in his school studies. Soon Alain becomes infatuated with Helen who in turn is fascinated with Alain's youthfulness and virility. Helen and Alain become passionate lovers resulting in Helen becoming pregnant. Meanwhile on the other side of town Sasha is romancing Alain's mother. It appears that all this is a set-up and Sasha has a hand in planning Helen's pregnancy.